70 best conversion optimization ways for a Magento shop

70 best conversion optimization ways for a Magento shop

Selling products hasn’t been any more superficial and more beneficial these days due to the advent of eCommerce platforms. It is one of the best approaches to selling products online or over the internet to people in a particular region and worldwide.

One of the biggest platforms for shopping today is the Magento application. The checklist below has the 70 best conversion optimization ways to be very successful as an eCommerce businessman.

Your success in selling products online depends on how your visitor communicates with your Magento Shop and then decides whether to avail of your eCommerce platform or not.

It is a well-known understanding that your competitors are working just as hard as you for their eCommerce business, so you must be on your game at all times with your Magento Shop.

This checklist below is very beneficial for converting your visitors into a shopper so that your eCommerce business becomes more profitable in the long term. Every small change you are willing to make in your product selling processes using the Magento application will help you reach your business goals.

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Magento Homepage Optimization

  1. Homepage must showcase your bestsellers

    Showing most frequently purchased items to customers on the front page is one of the popular sales approaches which amplifies sales for your Magento shop.

    To find your bestsellers on Magento, you need to go to the `Magento Backend > Reports > Products > Bestsellers.```

  2. Provide something extra than just an order button

    Many customers, especially the old ones, are not habitual in making purchases online with an order button because of a lack of trust on the internet. You can provide something extra like a phone, fax, or email option to make an online purchase.

  3. Display a company video on your homepage

    To gain a visitor's trust accessing your company website, you can display a company video regarding your team and work processes. This will help you in visitor conversion into buyers, as video creation is an inexpensive thing to do in a small time frame.

  4. Do your Magento Shop localization for different countries

    To sell products in different countries in the international market, you must ensure that your customers know about international shipping offers. To accomplish this, you can take advantage of the IP identification to redirect your customers to their specific language store view.

    For example, for US customers, the IP identification will redirect them to the US store www.your-shop.com/us.

Navigation Menu Optimization

  1. Product category structures

    Specifying categories for products must directly correlate with the amount of inventory at your disposal. As per our recommendation, you can create a category structure only when you have at least 20 products available. It’s also crucial that you have fewer sub-categories as it confuses your visitors at times.

  2. Popular products sorting for category structures

    Using Google Analytics helps you in finding the best category of products clicked in your shop. You can sort the popular products on top of the category structures for customer convenience.

  3. Make the product category names based on customer searches

    To have your best-selling products more accessible, you can make category names that your customers regularly search for. You can access this via the following paths:

    For Magento 2: Magento Backend > Reports >> Marketing >> Search Terms

    Researching on eBay or Amazon is an excellent option in this regard. It's because these platforms put in millions of dollars year after year to ensure that sorting and naming of product categories are as perfect as they can be.

  4. Create a top-notch business tagline

    Your business logo should have a concise tagline as it gets lots of attention from the visitors. Creating a business tagline helps in summarizing your eCommerce platform offerings and experiences.

  5. Unique Selling Points (USP)

    Unique Selling Points of a product showcased tactically helps your visitors trust in your eCommerce platform. USP of a product generally contains risk-free shopping, price guarantee, free shipping, easy returns, and interactions made on various online promotion platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and so on.

Website Search Optimization

Website Search Optimization

  1. Do your search testing for better accuracy

    As the user searches for the same products with their name in singular and plural, the search results have to be the same. To ensure that the product shows up on the search results, adding your product tags manually is the best option.

    You can do it at Magento Backend > Catalog > Tags > Add a new tag Here, you have the chance to put in the search tag while placing it to your product with proper Magento Shop optimization.

  2. Applying an intelligent search

    If your shop has a big product catalog, then it's vital to bring in a top-quality search engine rather than using the Magento search only. As per our recommendation, you can use Elasticsearch to apply an intelligent search.

Product Page and Product Details Optimization

  1. Use the best possible product images only

    On any product and its listing pages, the image of a product is an essential element. This is because the visitor tends to notice the product image first before anything else in your shop.

    That’s why top-quality product images go a long way in better conversion rates rather than products with bad-quality images or no images at all.

    Following are the facts that you must give your thorough attention so that your eCommerce business generates a more emotional response for your products:

    • There should be a default base image of the highest quality for all products.
    • Taking actual pictures with people using your products is the best option while not using the generic stock images.
    • Lots of product images from different angles make your product more touchable to the customers.
    • Designing an image background of the highest order gives a better emotional response from the customers. For example, if you are selling a mixer grinder, you can put some liquids like milk and ice cream and food items like vegetables and spices in the background for a compelling image.
  2. Details of a product

    • Using the manufactory standard product detail texts is not an option.
    • Give each store view its details if you have multiple stores at your disposal.
    • Make sure that the best product features as paragraph bullets appear at the start.
    • Keep the tone of product details natural to decide if the product will be worth exciting.
    • Using the bullet points helps the customer understand the product details easier.
    • Customers are always in a hurry, so using the short description option of Magento will help you generate interest for the product among them. It’s also vital to make an individual summary of the product’s full description.
  3. Top selling product videos

    Creating videos for the top-selling products doesn’t cost much, but it can still give more information to the customers than an image. Also, these videos look natural to bring in that interest among the customers to avail the product.

  4. Product page without any misinformation

    Visitors tend to leave the eCommerce shop when there is incorrect information or something is missing from the product page. To check for these mishaps, you can implement the following points:

    • The product page must display the prices.
    • These prices should be highlighted in large, bold, and different color formats.
    • Under the product price, there should be shipping and handling costs on show.
    • All information on the checkout process should be available without any surprise to the customer before deciding to add the products to their shopping cart once the purchase is made.
    • At the checkout process, avoid adding the additional costs.
    • Product stock count has to be displayed at all times.
  5. The Product delivery time must appear on the product page

  6. Give a delivery date selection option on the checkout process for the customer

  7. Out-of-stock notification enabling

    Although you must enable out-of-stock notification for customers, the best possible option is to not show products on display that are out of stock already.

  8. Provide a review option for your customer for their purchased products

    Add a review reminder. It will help to get a product review from the customers for Magento Shop optimization.

  9. Gain trust from your visitors with proper product information for higher conversion

    • Give details to your visitor that your Magento Shop is safe and secure to use without any compromise to their privacy.
    • Provide precise shipping and taxation details.
    • Allow different types of payment methods.
    • FAQs about your company and products work well in taking care of the checkout breaks from customers.

Checkout Page and Process Optimization

Checkout Page and Process Optimization

  1. Persistent shopping cart

    Generally, the customers like to add products to the shopping cart in bulk before doing the checkout. Your eCommerce business needs to make sure that the cookies in your system can help the customers access the products in their shopping cart after a while for purchasing.

  2. Ensure that the user enters their information once during a checkout process

    Customers like to quickly finish off the checkout process once they decide to buy one or more than one product. If the checkout process requires filling up the same information twice, the customer might cancel their purchase.

  3. Keep information intact in case of a validation error.

    Customers don’t like to fill in the previous information on a checkout process page, even if they make a validation error.

  4. Minimize the mandatory information fields (*)

  5. Give examples in compulsory information fields (Name - Tommaso Gargano)

  6. Give labels on all the information fields.

  7. Create a linear checkout form

    Best examples of linear checkout forms are available on Amazon and Apple Shop in particular. And avoid creating a new checkout process.

  8. Form field length should be similar to the expected input length.

  9. Give specific names to each button in the checkout process

    Giving additional information to each button in the checkout process reduces the possible irritations your customers might face, for example:

    • Continue Shopping: Add more products to your shopping cart.

    • Continue Checkout: Continue your checkout and make payment.

  10. Provide guest checkout option

  11. Avoid unasked customer account creation shouldn’t happen.

  12. Show validation errors correctly

    Marking the validation error field is better than showing the validation errors on top of the page that the customer might not see.

  13. Make password selection easier.

    Generally, customers don’t like to use “save passwords.” Ensure that they can have an easier password to remember after creating it for the first time, especially when your Magento Shop is not their mail account.

  14. Placement of checkout button

    Ensure that the placement of the checkout button doesn’t confuse the customer. Placing the button on the corners of the page at the bottom of the frame with the same color helps the customers access your product information better.

  15. Pre-checked checkboxes setup

    Setting as many possible checkboxes pre-checked is a must if you have a standard payment, default shipping, or other similar options.

  16. Redirect the buyer to the shopping cart after product addition

    Your customer will continue shopping after they have added a product to the shopping cart if interested. So, you can redirect them to the shopping cart to confirm their product addition to help them continue shopping or go to the checkout process as per their discretion.

  17. Give a logical number to each checkout step

    A more straightforward checkout process with preferably one step goes a long way in allowing the customers to fill that checkout form quickly. These steps give them information about the cost of shipping, delivery time, and so on. Once the customer is redirected to the shopping cart automatically upon their product addition, all the steps of checkout begin from the shopping cart as described below:

    • Step 1: Register for checkout or do a guest checkout.
    • Step 2: Information for shipping.
    • Step 3: Information related to billing with a one-click solution for shipping.
    • Step 4: Payment method pre-selected or with options.
    • Step 5: Make a payment.
    • Step 6: Entire order information on the checkout success page.
  18. Avoid surprising customers with extra costs during the checkout.

  19. Don’t pre-check newsletter sign-up so that customers can choose whether to avail of it or not.

Communication Optimization

  1. Creating the meta tags

    Individual meta tags written with a certain quality helps you in creating Adwords commercials. Improving the online business to a high stature happens when you spend your time in these processes. Using the free SERP editor for Magento speed optimization extension for your shop will help you create compelling meta tags.

  2. All auto-responder emails checking

    Mails are the first contact from you towards your customer. That’s why these emails are essential in giving all the requisite information to the customer about the products, shopping, order placement, and so on.

    You can reduce the workload of eCommerce business and gain the trust of your customers by checking the following things in all auto-responder emails:

    • Logo and name of the company.
    • Formatting on the mail.
    • Help center and support information
    • Social media links for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and so on.
  3. Mail sending methods checking

    Your mails tend to end up in the spam folder, especially new customers when their mail provider marks it as spam. This happens because of mistakes in mail format or wrong sending methods. For that reason, you must avail the services of a good mail provider like Amazon SES or Mailchimp to send emails.

  4. Registration, reset the password, sign-up for a newsletter, and so on must be thoroughly checked

  5. Only order information should be present in an order confirmation mail

    You must give the information about customers' orders in an order confirmation mail while avoiding additional marketing in the mail that can create confusion in their minds.

  6. Shipping information in the mail

    Send a tracking number by mail with shipping information so that your customer can access the real-time status of their products in transit.

  7. Send a thank you message and interact for more product selling

    It is a well-known understanding that the difference between a local physical shop and your Magento Shop is minimal. That’s why you can send in a thank you message to your customer upon product selling while interacting with them in the following ways:

    • Send a request for newsletter sign-up.
    • Review and feedback.
    • Support and help center.
    • Offer discounts for next purchases.
    • Give a shop credit for returns.
    • Provide trust points service.
  8. Show your social media followers and page likes.

  9. The error message, 404 pages, no search results should be checked for appropriate content.

    Shop pages are built by developers who generally don’t have a fair idea of communicating with the customers to put inappropriate content as a message for erroneous pages and no search results.

  10. Design an impressive About Us page

    • Share the compelling story of your company.
    • Show behind-the-scenes details of the company on a show for customers.
    • Share some facts if you like.
    • Have a natural tone.
    • Put engaging content.
    • Give authentic information with page optimization.
  11. Support details

    Providing support details like phone number, street address, and name of the town should be the fundamental part of imprint pages. It allows the customers to contact you to get rid of the emotional quotient to make the purchase. You can also provide details like email, fax, or live chat to the customer as a part of support details.

  12. Testing for usability

    Testing the Magento shop for usability can be done as much as you like. You can reach out to your colleagues, family, or friends as a part of informal usability testing along with the use of a professional tester called UserTesting.

    Assess your test results, implement changes, and do further testing to ensure that the shop works efficiently.

Magento Shop Speed Optimization

Magento Shop Speed Optimization

Page load time counts for everything on an online shop. You must optimize the Magento Shop for milliseconds so that customers can access it promptly. You can achieve a better SEO and more conversion rate with a high-performance shop with every page working very fast.

Focusing on the points below is going to help your shop better in its Magento speed optimization:

  1. JavaScript

    The web browser must parse JavaScript content. With the reduced JavaScript lines, the speed of the page load increases for your shop.

  2. CSS

    Cleaning up the CSS is essential because it contains many unneeded lines and rules that adversely impact the page load time.

  3. JavaScript & CSS files should be combined

    Combining the JavaScript & CSS files goes a long way in improving the speed of page load.

  4. Image optimization

    The file size of an image should not exceed 300 KB for a standard product. You can delete unrequited details in a JPG header like EXIF data with reSmush.it

  5. An image combining with the CSS sprites

    You can reduce the number of images on your shop by combining them with the CSS sprites using Spriteme.

  6. Static content on your shop requires a CDN

    To reduce the server load for your shop, you can use the Content Delivery Network (CDN). Your customer obtains the static content from the closest CDN, so our recommendation for this would be Amazon CDN.

  7. Ensure that there is less use of the third-party extension for your frontend

    Magento has more than 98% of the third-party extensions not developed of the requisite quality. It leads to the slowing down of the top-notch servers with lots of performance bottlenecks.

  8. Use an optimum server for handling your Magento Shop better

    A shared hosting server for a Magento performance optimization for your shop is tough to find. That’s why you must check out our hosting service and server setup.

    An excellent solution to handle your Magento Shop optimization is available at a reasonable cost. It can be configured perfectly once to get the best results possible without worrying about customers' potential loss due to mishaps.

  9. Configuration of the server

    Check out this article to get a better idea of the server configuration processes and requirements. If you find the details given in the article above helpful but want to take professionals’ help, then avail our service offered at high-performance server setup service.

  10. Issues of performance bottleneck because of poorly-developed shop codes

    Every detailing of the server must be configured optimally to reach high performance. You can analyze the incorrectly-developed shop codes that bring in performance bottlenecks with our developer toolbar.

  11. Full-page cache in use

    You can do speed optimization for your Magento shop and reduce the server load by installing this full-page cache system.

Shipping and Return Policy

  1. Shipping time must be reduced to its absolute lowest.
  2. Give an expected date of product arrival and tracking number to the customers.
  3. Allow your customers the delivery time selection on checkout.
  4. The Refund policy must be concise and easy to understand.
  5. Offer free shipping if it's remotely possible.
  6. Provide different shipping companies options.
  7. Express shipping offers.
  8. Offer top-notch return policy.


All the conversion optimization ways for a Magento Shop are requisite for your eCommerce business growth and success. Efficiently implementing these optimization ways will help your business attain productivity and profitability.

Magento Shop optimization has been a proven method of providing a safe and secure shopping experience to your customers. You can avail the products from MGT-Commerce to get the best out of your eCommerce business for a sustainably long time.

Host your Magento shop with MGT-Commerce

Host your Magento shop with MGT-Commerce

MGT-Commerce is a company that provides cloud hosting products for people. With that, we help you in hosting your website for an eCommerce business on the cloud platform with accessibility anywhere and anytime.

You can improve your work experience manifold times and get optimal web performance with the MGT-Commerce products. With these products, you get secure access with encrypted communication for using the cloud features on any device.


This article has given you in-depth details regarding the best conversion optimization ways for a Magento Shop. With this, we hope that you get a fair idea of the intricacies surrounding conversion optimization. And if you want to see some improvement or addition to the information mentioned above, you can help us know your views by commenting in the section below.

We are looking to get your feedback and review of this article. You can get in touch with MGT-Commerce for free consultation or demo for our Magento product any time!

Jitesh C.
Jitesh C.
Technical Writer

Jitesh is an experienced wordsmith with expertise in creating CRO and SEO-rich content for various niches. Adept at publishing researched technical articles, Jitesh skilfully optimizes the content to bring the finest interaction with each of his pieces.

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