Magento 2 Enable Terms and Conditions Checkbox

Magento 2 Enable Terms and Conditions Checkbox

Terms and Conditions is an agreement that states the rules customers must follow when using your service or products. The customers have to agree to the terms and conditions before purchasing from your store.

We cover how to configure the terms and conditions checkbox in Magento 2.

Configure Terms And Conditions Checkbox in Magento 2

1. Enable Terms and Conditions

  • From the admin panel, go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Checkout

Magento 2 Enable Terms and Conditions

  • Explore the Checkout Options.
  • Check if the field Enable Onepage Checkout is set to Yes
  • Set Enable Terms and Conditions field to Yes
  • Click Save Config.

2. Add New Conditions

  • Navigate to Stores > Terms and Conditions
  • Select the Add New Condition button

Complete the fields below -

Magento 2 Enable Terms and Conditions

  • Condition Name – Add the name of the condition for internal reference

  • Status – Set Status to Enabled

  • Show Content as – Select Text or HTML to display the terms and conditions content as unformatted or formatted.

  • Applied – Select either to apply the terms and conditions automatically or manually.

  • Store View – Select the store view where the Terms and Conditions are to be used.

  • Checkbox Text – Add the text for the Terms and Conditions link.

  • Content – Enter the entire terms and conditions of the sale

  • Content Height (CSS) – Enter the Content Height in pixels to determine the height of the text box. It shows where the terms and conditions statement appears during checkout.

3. Save results

Magento 2 Enable Terms and Conditions

Save the Config from the top right corner.

After implementing the steps, you can view and accept the terms and conditions of your store's checkout page.

Magento 2 Enable Terms and Conditions


Adding terms and conditions to your checkout page outlines the content rights. You can add disclosure information that may be required by law for B2C or B2B sites.

The Terms and Conditions box is displayed after the payment information and Place Order button. The tutorial has shown how you can configure the terms and conditions in Magento 2.

To get more insights about Magento, check out MGT Commerce Tutorials.

Nikita S.
Nikita S.
Lead Technical Writer

As a lead technical writer, Nikita S. is experienced in crafting well-researched articles that simplify complex information and promote technical communication. She has expertise in cloud computing and holds a specialization in SEO and digital marketing.

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