How to Configure RabbitMQ Magento 2 Integration for Stores

How to Configure RabbitMQ Magento 2 Integration for Stores

Are you struggling to manage orders and messages in your store? RabbitMQ Magento 2 integration enables communication between different parts of an application. It allows for asynchronous processing of tasks and messages.

In this tutorial, we will explain the benefits of message broker integration and how it works.

Key Takeaways

  • What is RabbitMQ, and how does it work?

  • Features of RabbitMQ for Magento websites.

  • Find out how to configure RabbitMQ with Magento 2

  • Read through troubleshooting issues with RabbitMQ

  • Best Practices for RabbitMQ and Magento 2 integration.

What is RabbitMQ?

Definition of RabbitMQ Magento 2

RabbitMQ is a message broker that uses a messaging protocol called AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol).

RabbitMQ allows applications to communicate with each other by sending messages through queues. These messages can be anything from simple text messages to complex data structures.

How does RabbitMQ Work?

Here is an example of how RabbitMQ works with Magento 2:

  • Magento 2 sends a message to RabbitMQ to process an order.

  • RabbitMQ receives the message and adds it to a queue.

  • A consumer (a separate process) connects to RabbitMQ and requests messages from the queue.

  • RabbitMQ delivers the message to the consumer.

  • The consumer processes the message (in this case, processes the order).

  • The consumer sends a response back to RabbitMQ. It then removes the message from the queue.

Features of RabbitMQ Message Broker

1. Multiple Messaging Protocols

Multiple Messaging Protocols feature in RabbitMQ Magento 2

RabbitMQ's support for multiple messaging protocols is a key strength. This feature allows for versatile integration across diverse systems.

  • AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) 0-9-1 offers strong messaging capabilities.

  • MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is ideal for IoT and mobile scenarios, thanks to its lightweight nature.

  • STOMP (Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol) provides a text-based alternative. It is used to simplify debugging and manual testing.

  • HTTP and WebSockets extend RabbitMQ's reach to web-based applications.

2. Routing Capabilities

Routing capabilities feature in RabbitMQ Magento 2

RabbitMQ offers sophisticated message routing options like:

  • Direct routing: It delivers messages to specific queues based on exact routing keys. It is useful for point-to-point communication. Direct routing could be used for order processing. When an order is placed, a message with a routing key (e.g., "order.process") could be sent to a queue for order processing.

  • Topic-based routing: It uses pattern matching on routing keys. It allows for flexible, hierarchical message distribution. For example, you could use routing keys like "catalog.product.update" or "". It is to distribute different types of events to various services that need to react to these changes.

  • Headers-based routing: It relies on message header attributes for routing decisions. It provides fine-grained control over message flow.

  • Fanout routing: It broadcasts messages to all bound queues. It's ideal for scenarios requiring wide message dissemination.

These routing mechanisms can be combined to create complex messaging topologies. They enable precise control over how messages flow through the system.

3. Clustering and High Availability

Clustering feature in RabbitMQ Magento 2

  • Clusters consist of multiple RabbitMQ nodes working together. These nodes can be on different machines within a data center. They can even span across multiple data centers.

  • In a cluster, queues are replicated across nodes. This replication ensures message persistence if a node fails. Clients can connect to any node in the cluster. The cluster appears as a single logical broker to clients. This design provides seamless failover capabilities.

  • Clustering improves system scalability. It allows for horizontal scaling by adding more nodes. It can increase overall throughput and message processing capacity. Load balancing across nodes is handled automatically.

  • It can be set up in various topologies. Common setups include active/passive and active/active configurations. In active/passive, one node handles traffic while others stand by. In active/active, all nodes actively process messages.

  • RabbitMQ uses a distributed Erlang database called Mnesia for cluster state management. It ensures consistency across the cluster. Nodes in the cluster communicate using the Erlang distribution protocol. This protocol handles inter-node messaging and synchronization in the message queue system.

  • Monitoring and management of clusters is possible through RabbitMQ's management UI and API. These tools provide visibility into cluster health and performance. They allow admins to manage nodes, queues, and users across the entire cluster.

4. Security Features

Security features in RabbitMQ Magento 2

  • RabbitMQ supports Transport Layer Security (TLS). TLS encrypts communication between clients and the broker. It also encrypts inter-node traffic in clustered setups. It prevents eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks.

  • RabbitMQ provides multiple authentication methods. The default is username/password authentication. Passwords are stored as salted hashes for security.

  • Once authenticated, users are subject to authorization checks. RabbitMQ uses a role-based access control system. Permissions can be set on a per-host basis. They control user actions on exchanges, queues, and topics. Permissions include configure, write, and read rights.

  • It can integrate with external authentication services. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is commonly used. It allows centralized user management. Active Directory integration is possible through LDAP. RabbitMQ can be configured to cache authentication results. It improves RabbitMQ server performance for frequent connections.

5. Management and Monitoring

Management features in RabbitMQ Magento 2

RabbitMQ's management and monitoring capabilities are comprehensive and user-friendly. They provide administrators with powerful tools for oversight and control.

  • Web-based Management UI: The management UI is a browser-based interface. It offers a graphical overview of the RabbitMQ system. The UI is built as a plugin but is enabled by default. Admins can view queue lengths, message rates, and resource usage. The interface supports user management and permission settings. It allows for easy creation, deletion, and modification of exchanges and queues.

  • HTTP API: This API provides programmatic access to management functions. It allows for automated monitoring and management tasks. The API supports CRUD operations on RabbitMQ resources. It can be used to retrieve detailed metrics and status information.

  • Queue Management: Administrators can view all queues across all vhosts. Queue properties like length, consumer count, and message rates are displayed. The UI allows for purging queues or moving messages between them. Dead-letter queues can be inspected and managed. Queue TTL and message TTL settings can be adjusted dynamically.

5 Steps to Configure RabbitMQ Magento 2 Integration

Step 1: Install RabbitMQ

Install RabbitMQ on your server. You can download the RabbitMQ installer from the official website.

Step 2: Configure RabbitMQ

  1. Create a queue section in the app/etc/env.php file. Add the following code to the file:
    'queue' \=\> \[ 'amqp' \=\> \[ 'host' \=\> '', 'port' \=\> '5672', 'user' \=\> 'your\_username', 'password' \=\> 'your\_password', 'virtualhost' \=\> '/', 'ssl' \=\> false \] \]

  2. Replace your\_username and your\_password with your actual RabbitMQ credentials.

Step 3: Create a Queue

Create a queue using the RabbitMQ Management Interface or by running the following command: rabbitmqadmin declare queue \--vhost=/ \--name=magento\_queue

Step 4: Configure Magento 2

Add the following code to the app/etc/env.php file: 'queue' \=\> \[ 'consumers' \=\> \[ 'magento\_consumer' \=\> \[ 'queue' \=\> 'magento\_queue', 'connection' \=\> 'amqp' \] \] \]

Step 5: Start the Message Queue Consumer

  1. To start the message queue consumer, run the following command: php bin/magento queue:consumers:start magento\_consumer

  2. To test the integration, you can send a message to the queue: rabbitmqadmin publish \--vhost=/ \--exchange=magento\_exchange \--routing-key=magento\_queue \--body="Hello, World\!"

Common RabbitMQ issues in Magento

Issue Description Solution
Connection Refused RabbitMQ connection is refused. It prevents Adobe Commerce from sending messages to the queue.
- Check the server status and ensure it is running.
- Check firewall settings and ensure port 5672 is open.
- Verify connection settings in the app/etc/env.php file.
- Check the RabbitMQ server status:sudo systemctl status rabbitmq-server
- Ensure the server is running; if not, start it: sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server
- If needed, open the port: sudo ufw allow 5672
Authentication Errors Authentication errors occur when trying to connect to RabbitMQ. - Verify RabbitMQ credentials in app/etc/env.php
- Ensure they match the RabbitMQ server settings
- Check RabbitMQ user permissions: sudo rabbitmqctl list\_users
- If needed, update user permissions: sudo rabbitmqctl set\_permissions \-p / \[username\] ".\*" ".\*" ".\*"
Queue Not Found The specified queue is not found in RabbitMQ. Error logs show "queue not found" messages. Specific Magento background tasks fail - Check if the queue exists in RabbitMQ: sudo rabbitmqctl list\_queues
- If the queue is missing, it may need to be declared. Check your Magento queue consumer setup
- Manually create the queue if necessary: sudo rabbitmqadmin declare queue name=\[queue\_name\] durable=true
Message Not Consumed The consumer is not consuming messages. It prevents Magento stores from processing tasks. - Verify consumer settings in the file and ensure the consumer is running and configured correctly.
High Memory Usage RabbitMQ is consuming high memory, affecting system performance. - Verify RabbitMQ configuration, and adjust memory settings as needed.
- Check current RabbitMQ memory usage: **rabbitmqctl status

Best Practices of Using RabbitMQ for Magento

1. Reuse Connections and Multiplex with Channels

  • Each connection consumes resources. Creating new connections can be expensive. It involves a TCP handshake and authentication process. Reusing connections helps minimize this overhead.

  • In RabbitMQ, a connection represents a TCP connection. Channels are lightweight sessions within a connection. Multiple channels can share a single connection. It is called multiplexing.

  • For Magento 2, establish one connection per process or thread. This connection can then be shared across different parts of the application. It reduces the number of open TCP connections to the RabbitMQ server.

2. Manage Message Queue Design

Message queue design is important for efficient operation of the messaging system. It affects system performance and scalability. Good design makes message routing flexible and error-handling queue consumers. It should include:

  • Topic Exchanges: Topic exchanges in RabbitMQ allow for flexible message routing. They use routing keys with dot-separated words. For example, let's say we're designing a system for an e-commerce platform. We might use a topic exchange named "magento.operations". Routing keys could follow this pattern: \<area\>.\<operation\>.\<priority\>.

  • Separate Queues: Creating separate queues for different operations is important. It allows for better resource allocation. It also simplifies monitoring and troubleshooting. For example, in the e-commerce system, we might have these queues:

    1. order\_processing\_queue

    2. inventory\_update\_queue

    3. customer\_notification\_queue

  • Each queue handles a specific type of operation. This separation allows for independent scaling. High-volume operations won't impact lower-volume ones.

  • Dead Letter Exchanges: Dead Letter Exchanges (DLX) handle messages that can't be processed. They're used for error handling and recovery. We could set up a DLX named "magento.dlx". Each main queue would be configured with this DLX. Failed messages would be routed to specific dead-letter queues. Dead-letter queues might include:

    1. order\_dlq

    2. inventory\_dlq

    3. customer\_dlq

  • Messages in these queues can be analyzed. They help in identifying and fixing issues.

3. Message Serialization

Message serialization converts complex data structures into a format suitable for sending over the network. The choice of serialization method impacts performance and compatibility. Some formats include:

  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): It is a popular serialization format. It's human-readable and widely supported. Most programming languages have built-in JSON support. JSON is relatively lightweight compared to XML. It is easy to use in Magento 2. PHP has built-in functions for encoding and decoding. It's suitable for most e-commerce data structures.

  • Protocol Buffers: protobuf is a binary serialization format. It's more efficient than JSON in terms of size and parsing speed. However, it requires a schema definition and is not human-readable. Using Protocol Buffers in Magento 2 requires additional setup. You need to install the protobuf PHP extension. You also need to generate PHP classes from your .proto files.

  • Use JSON for simplicity and when human readability is important. Use Protocol Buffers for high-volume, performance-essential systems.

4. Performance Tuning

It should include optimizing prefetch count, Quality of Service (QoS) settings, and publisher confirms.

  • Prefetch Count: The prefetch count determines how many messages RabbitMQ sends to a consumer at once. A high prefetch count can improve throughput. However, it can also lead to uneven work distribution. For example, if we set the prefetch count to 10. It means each consumer will prefetch ten messages at a time. It's a good balance for 1-second processing time.

  • Quality of Service (QoS) Settings control message delivery. They affect how messages are acknowledged and redelivered. Proper QoS settings can prevent message loss and improve reliability. Some key QoS settings:

    1. Acknowledgment mode: Manual or automatic

    2. Prefetch count

    3. Global flag: Apply settings per-channel or per-consumer

  • Publisher Confirms provide guaranteed message delivery. They ensure RabbitMQ receives important messages. It is essential for operations like order placement or payment processing.

  • Use appropriate message persistence settings. Non-critical messages can use faster, non-persistent delivery.


1. What is RabbitMQ in Magento 2, and how does it work?

RabbitMQ in Magento 2 is an open-source message broker. It provides a scalable solution for handling messages between different parts of the system. It allows message queue consumers to process tasks asynchronously. It improves the efficiency of your Magento store. Messages are sent from the sender and stored until the recipient receives them. It ensures reliable communication.

2. How do I configure RabbitMQ for Magento 2?

To configure RabbitMQ for Magento, you need to edit the communication.xml and queue\_topology.xml files. Additionally, you must ensure that RabbitMQ is running and connected properly by updating the env.php file. For secure connections, you can also configure SSL options using the ssl_options section. It includes certfile, keyfile, and cafile.

3. How do I install RabbitMQ on Ubuntu for Magento?

To install RabbitMQ on Ubuntu for Magento, first, run the command to install the RabbitMQ server. After installation, configure the server in Magento 2.3 or later by connecting to 5672 AMQP port. Set up your virtual host and SSL configurations in the env.php file.

4. How do I start the message queue consumers in Magento 2?

To start message queue consumers in Magento 2, you need to run a cron job or manually execute the command: php bin/magento queue:consumers:start. It ensures that queued and processed messages are handled efficiently. It improves the performance of your Magento store by leveraging asynchronous messaging capabilities.

5. What are the benefits of using RabbitMQ in Magento Commerce?

RabbitMQ offers highly available, scalable message processing in Magento Commerce. It helps optimize web servers to respond quickly. It offloads resource-intensive tasks to run consumers asynchronously. This portable messaging system is reliable and flexible. It supports various on-premises and cloud configurations.



The RabbitMQ Magento 2 integration offers functionality by connecting parts of an ecommerce website. It enables customer interaction and satisfaction. In this tutorial we explained the best practices and configuration. Here is a quick recap:

  • RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker software. It helps manage communication between different systems.

  • Magento 2 RabbitMQ improves efficiency by enabling asynchronous messaging. It ensures the sender places a message in the queue and a consumer processes it.

  • To set up the RabbitMQ server, a Magento developer must configure connections. It includes AMQP connections and ensures RabbitMQ is running.

  • Cron jobs ensure that messages in the queue system are processed efficiently.

  • The basic sequence involves connecting RabbitMQ. It ensures the consumer instance can handle requests and maintains a reliable system.

Managed Magento hosting and applications like RabbitMQ provide scalable growth and performance for your store.

Nanda Kishore
Nanda Kishore
Technical Writer

Nanda Kishore is an experienced technical writer with a deep understanding of Magento ecommerce. His clear explanations on technological topics help readers to navigate through the industry.

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