8 Steps To Configure AWS SES (Amazon Simple Email Service)

8 Steps To Configure AWS SES (Amazon Simple Email Service)

Do you know that the number of email users worldwide is around 4.5 billion? AWS SES (Amazon Simple Email Service) makes it easy to send and receive emails securely. It's designed to help businesses engage with their customers effectively. This tutorial covers what AWS SES is why it is used how to configure it and its use cases.

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Key Takeaways

  • Discover what AWS SES is and how it simplifies email sending and receiving

  • Learn why AWS SES is cost-effective scalable and ensures high deliverability

  • Find out how to easily configure AWS SES for your business needs

  • Explore practical use cases of AWS SES for effective email communications

  • Understand how AWS SES compares to AWS SQS and which service suits your needs

What is AWS SES?

What is AWS SES

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) lets you send and receive emails using your domains. It is designed for high volume and low cost.

AWS SES eliminates the need to manage email servers. It offers features to help manage email campaigns effectively.

SES is great for automating email communications. It ensures high deliverability by filtering malicious emails. Amazon SES is easy to navigate and control. It provides detailed analytics to track email performance.

Why Use AWS SES?

Reason Explanation
Cost-Effective AWS SES is a low-cost email solution. It reduces the need for expensive infrastructure.
You pay only for what you use.
It's economical for businesses of all sizes.
Scalability Amazon SES handles high volumes easily.
It scales automatically based on your needs.
Your email campaigns can grow with your business.
High Deliverability SES filters malicious emails.
It helps avoid Magento SPAM folders.
Your emails reach the intended recipients.
Ease of Use The interface of AWS SES is user-friendly.
You can quickly set up and manage emails.
It provides comprehensive documentation and support to simplify usage.

8 Steps to Configure AWS SES

  1. Log in to your AWS Management Console account.

Longin to AWS SES Console

  1. Search for "Simple Email Service" and select "Amazon Simple Email Service."

Simple Email Service of AWS

  1. In the SES Console click "Create identity" to verify an email address.

Create Identiy of AWS SES

  1. Select the "Email address" option and enter the email address you wish to use.

Selecting Email Address for AWS SES

  1. (Optional) Define a tag to manage identities on Amazon SES.

Managing Identities AWS SES

  1. Click "Create identity" to create an identity for your SES account.

  2. Check your email and click the verification link to verify your email address.

Email Address Verification for AWS SES

  1. Your email address will now appear in the list of verified identities on your SES account.

AWS SES Account

How Amazon SES Works

Steps Description
Sending Emails AWS SES works by first sending emails.
You can send formatted HTML emails, plain text emails, or emails with attachments.
It uses a simple interface for this process.
Receiving Emails Next, SES can be configured to receive Magento emails.
It processes these emails according to defined rules.
For example, it can store emails in an Amazon S3 bucket, invoke a Lambda function, or bounce unwanted mail.
SMTP Interface SES supports sending emails via SMTP.
SMTP is a widely used protocol for sending emails.
This allows for easy integration with existing software that uses SMTP.
API Finally, SES provides a set of APIs.
These APIs allow programmatic control over sending, receiving, and managing emails.
This enables automation and customization of email processes.

Use Cases of AWS SES

Use Cases Explanations
Automate Transactional Messages It keeps customers updated by sending automated emails like purchase or shipping notifications.
AWS SES ensures customers are informed of order status and policy changes.
It reduces manual effort with automated messaging.
Automating messages ensures timely communication with customers.
Deliver Marketing Emails Globally It tells customers around the world about products and services through newsletters and special offers.
AWS SES creates engaging content to attract customers.
It helps reach a global audience easily.
Informing customers about new products and services becomes efficient.
Send Timely Notifications It sends timely notifications about customer interactions with your products.
AWS SES delivers daily reminders and weekly usage reports.
It keeps customers informed with newsletters.
Regular updates enhance customer engagement.
Send Bulk Email Communications It delivers messages to large groups efficiently.
AWS SES sends notifications and announcements in bulk.
It tracks results using Magento configuration sets.
Managing large-scale email campaigns becomes effective.


Feature AWS SES (Simple Email Service) AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service)
Purpose Sends email notifications and marketing campaigns.
Designed for direct email delivery.
Handlesasynchronous messaging between applications.
Queues messages for processing later.
Message Format Supports text HTML and MIME formats for emails. Directly supports text messages.
Can handle JSON XML and other formats indirectly.
Delivery Method Delivers emails directly to recipients' inboxes. Messages are queued and processed by applications when needed.
Cost Charges per email sent. Charges per message sent or received.
Integration Works with AWS services like SQS Lambda and SNS. Integrates with AWS services such as Lambda Step Functions and CloudWatch.
Triggering User actions API calls or scheduled tasks can trigger it. Activates applications when messages are added to the queue.
Use Cases Ideal for password reset emails marketing emails order confirmations and alerts. Suitable for decoupling microservices processing large datasets background tasks and event-driven workflows.

How Amazon SES Helps Magento E-Commerce Stores

1. Enhances Customer Engagement

Amazon SES enables Magento stores to send personalized emails to customers. It allows sending transactional emails like order confirmations shipping notifications and password resets. SES also facilitates promotional emails such as newsletters product recommendations and special offers.

By delivering timely and relevant information SES helps improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. It leads to increased customer engagement and retention.

2. Ensures High Deliverability

Using Amazon SES for Magento stores has a key benefit. It offers a high email deliverability rate. SES employs advanced techniques to maintain a good sender reputation. It follows best practices and complies with industry standards to minimize the risk of emails being marked as spam.

SES ensures that emails reach customers' inboxes reliably helping protect the store's brand image. Important messages are prevented from being missed.

3. Scales Effortlessly with Business Growth

As a Magento store grows the volume of emails sent also increases. Amazon SES is designed to handle high email volumes effortlessly. It automatically scales to accommodate the store's email-sending needs without requiring manual intervention.

Whether the Magento store sends a few hundred or millions of emails SES adapts to the demand seamlessly. This scalability allows businesses to focus on growth without worrying about email infrastructure limitations.

4. Provides Detailed Analytics and Insights

Amazon SES offers comprehensive analytics and reporting features for Magento stores. It provides detailed metrics on email delivery opens clicks bounces and complaints. These insights help store owners understand customer engagement levels and identify areas for improvement.

By analyzing email performance data businesses can optimize their email strategies and make data-driven decisions. SES's analytics capabilities enable stores to refine their email campaigns for better results continuously.

5. Integrates Seamlessly with Magento

Amazon SES integrates smoothly with Magento platforms making it easy to set up and manage email communications. Magento provides built-in support for SES integration allowing stores to configure email settings quickly. The integration enables automatic syncing of customer data between Magento and SES ensuring accurate and up-to-date recipient lists.

Additionally SES can be used in conjunction with other AWS services like Lambda and Amazon S3 to build powerful email automation workflows tailored to the store's needs.


1. What is Amazon SES Sandbox and how does it affect sending emails?

The SES Sandbox is a testing environment provided by Amazon Web Services. It limits email sending to verified addresses. To send to unverified addresses move out of the sandbox. It helps ensure safe testing before sending it to real users.

2. How can I send a test email using Amazon SES?

You can send a test email by using the Amazon SES console. Verify the sender's email address first. Then use the "Send Test Email" feature in the console. It helps check the email format and delivery.

3. What are the benefits of using email templates in Amazon SES?

Email templates save time and ensure consistency. They allow you to send transactional emails with a consistent format. Templates can include dynamic content for personalization. This helps improve user engagement and efficiency.

4. How does Amazon SES handle transactional emails?

Amazon SES efficiently handles transactional emails. It ensures high deliverability and reliability. Use it to send transactional messages like order confirmations and password resets. Dedicated Magento hosting ensures timely and accurate communication with users.

5. How do I send an email using the Amazon SES API?

To send an email using the Amazon SES API integrate the API with your application. Verify the sender's email address. Use the API to specify recipients subjects and bodies. It allows for automated and programmatic email sending.



AWS SES is a powerful and cost-effective solution for sending and receiving emails. It offers many benefits to help businesses improve their email communications:

  • High deliverability: Ensure emails reach inboxes and avoid SPAM folders.

  • Easy scalability: Handle email volume growth effortlessly.

  • Detailed analytics: Track email performance with comprehensive insights.

  • Seamless integration: Integrate smoothly with other AWS services.

  • Cost savings: Save costs compared to managing your email infrastructure.

For optimal Magento store performance and scalability consider AWS-powered managed Magento hosting solutions.

Shivendra Tiwari
Shivendra Tiwari
Technical Writer

Shivendra has over ten years of experience creating compelling content on Magento-related topics. With a focus on the Magento community, he shares valuable tips and up-to-date trends that provide actionable insights.

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