Magento hosting requirements: 3 factors to consider before launching your e-commerce shop!

Magento hosting requirements: 3 factors to consider before launching your e-commerce shop!

When you are about to launch your e-commerce shop and have already decided to choose Magento, you made the right choice. This software brings you many benefits and is a perfect basis for your business’s success.

To guarantee nothing is standing in the way of your success, you have to be aware of the special Magento hosting requirements.

Three main factors are relevant:

  1. The technical Magento hosting environment
  2. The Magento hosting plan
  3. The Magento hosting provider

Only a combination of this leads to an ideal Magento hosting tailor-made e-commerce store, the best experience for your users, and good sales for you.

Factor 1: Magento hosting requirements and recommendations

When asking what is Magento, one answer is for sure:

A powerful e-commerce software with many helpful features providing you exceptional

  • Flexibility,
  • Scalability, and
  • Security.

However, Magento is maintenance-intensive and needs special hosting requirements to perform at its peak due to its power.

Specifically, the general technical Magento hosting requirements are a LAMP or LNMP solution stack.

LAMP stands for:

  • Linux operating system
  • Apache HTTP Server
  • MySQL relational database management system
  • PHP programming language

LNMP means:

  • Linux operating system
  • NGINX Server
  • MySQL relational database management system
  • PHP programming language

To meet these general requirements, the Magento server has to fulfill at least the following standards:

  • Linux Kernel x86-64
  • Apache 2.x or NGINX 1.x Web Server
  • MySQL 5.7
  • PHP 7.3
  • Composer

Furthermore, the performance of a Magento shop depends on RAM. This doesn’t mean that the other requirements are less important, but RAM is an essential factor influencing performance.

Therefore, for small businesses, we recommend:

  • = 2 Cores

  • At least 8 GB RAM dedicated to Magento
  • SSD storage

Your website's better performance directly leads to better user experience (UX) and more sales. You have to make sure to at least meet these standards to get the best Magento hosting experience.

This is all too technical for you, and you need a personal consultation? Contact us now to find out the perfect hosting plan for your Magento business.

There are many Magento hosting requirements that seem like a long checklist. But don’t worry: A reliable hosting provider will support you and guarantee that all these requirements are met.

There are many Magento hosting requirements that seem like a long checklist. But don’t worry: A reliable hosting provider will support you and guarantee that all these requirements are met.

Factor 2: Suitable Magento hosting plan

The second factor for satisfying Magento server hosting is a hosting plan which is best for your e-commerce website.

When searching for a good hosting plan, you have to think about a few questions:

  • Have you done your research on what is Magento hosting?
  • Which of the four hosting types do you prefer: shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, or cloud hosting?
  • Do you want to managed hosting services or unmanaged?
  • Even if you have a small Magento shop and think that this solution doesn’t suit you, are you aware of all the cloud benefits?
  • Is the hosting provider you choose meeting all Magento hosting requirements mentioned above?
  • Is the hosting provider not only fulfilling the minimum requirements but offering an exceptional environment in terms of performance, security, and support?

Answering these questions will exclude many potential hosting providers from your list.

But how to find the best one? Find out now:

Factor 3: Reliable Magento hosting provider

A reliable hosting provider is *not only meeting but exceeding Magento hosting requirements and offers you a hosting plan that fits perfectly to your business situation and ambitions.

When considering managed hosting, the hosting provider's experience with Magento is a decisive factor for your choice.

To find a reliable partner, you have to consider what the hosting provider offers you regarding:

  • Level of the support
  • Level of hosting management
  • Price

Our Magento managed hosting plans not only meet all hosting requirements but exceed them.

The MGT-COMMERCE team has more than six years of integration experience and provides you the best high-performance Magento hosting, which is fully managed on AWS.

For this, note our outstanding solutions MGT Code Deploy, MGT Cloud Log, and MGT WAF – Web Application Firewall, a combination bringing your Magento hosting to another level.

Are you interested in AWS Auto Scaling?

Contact us now, and we will consult you to find the perfect possible solution for your needs.


Magento hosting requirements are not only a technical question!

When thinking about Magento hosting requirements, you normally think about technical requirements such as the hosting environment.

But besides this, there are two more important factors: the hosting plan and provider.

Only a combination** of a hosting provider offering you the perfect hosting plan, support, and exceeding Magento hosting requirements guarantees the best business solution for your needs and user experience.

If only the best is good enough for your Magento online shop, MGT-COMMERCE should be your first choice.

Contact us now and find out more about our advanced solutions, such as MGT Varnish Cache for Magento, making your e-commerce shop run up to 250x faster.

Shraddha S.
Shraddha S.
Head of Content

Shraddha Singh has a lot of thoughts about Technology and the Cloud Services Industry. An Indian native and a professional Technical writer, she gets her management skills from IIT-B.

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