How To Troubleshoot Magento 2 Get Product URL Not Found Issue?

How To Troubleshoot Magento 2 Get Product URL Not Found Issue?

Want unique product URLs for individual Magento 2 store products?

The magento 2 get product url functionality helps developers access and manage product URLs programmatically. You can implement various methods to fetch product URLs based on your specific requirements.

This tutorial will cover techniques, troubleshooting steps, and integration examples for handling product URLs in Magento 2.

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Key Takeaways

  • Magento 2 Get Product URL helps generate product URLs for multiple stores.

  • URL generation supports different store views and category paths.

  • Social media integration relies on clean, SEO-friendly URLs.

  • Marketplace syndication uses consistent product URLs across platforms.

  • Troubleshooting URL issues assures proper URL formatting and performance.

How Magento 2 Get Product URL Works?

Functionality of Magento 2 Get Product URL

“Magento 2 generates product URLs through several built-in methods. The getProductUrl() method fetches URLs directly from product objects.”

ProductRepository service handles URL generation for SKU-based lookups. URL generation automatically includes store codes and category paths.

The framework processes URL components in a specific order:

  • Base URL from the store configuration

  • Store code (if enabled)

  • Category path (optional)

  • Product URL key

  • URL suffix (.html by default)

URL generation supports multiple store views and languages. Each product maintains unique URL keys across stores. The system automatically handles URL rewrites for Magento SEO.

Get Product URL Usage for Omnichannel Product Marketing

1. Social Media Integration

  • Facebook product feeds need clean URLs for catalog ads. The getProductUrl method generates social-media-ready links.

  • Instagram shopping requires specific URL formats for products. Store views maintain separate URLs for each market.

  • Pinterest-rich pins pull data from product page URLs. The URL structure supports rich pin validation requirements.

  • Twitter card integration uses product URLs for previews. URL generation includes proper meta tags automatically.

2. Marketplace Syndication

  • Amazon listing tools fetch Magento 2 product URLs. Each product maintains consistent URLs across channels.

  • eBay integration requires store-specific product URLs. URL generation handles multi-store configurations automatically.

  • Google Merchant Center needs formatted product URLs. The system generates URLs matching Google's requirements.

  • Walmart Marketplace syncs using product page URLs. URL structures remain consistent for marketplace validation.

3. Email Marketing Automation

  • Abandoned cart emails include direct product links. URL tracking parameters monitor email campaign performance.

  • Newsletter systems fetch updated product URLs daily. Dynamic URL generation prevents broken links.

  • Transactional emails use store-specific product URLs. Multi-language stores maintain proper URL structures.

  • Customer segmentation uses product URL patterns. URL parameters track customer journey sources.

4. Mobile App Integration

Mobile App Integration for Get Product URL for Omnichannel Product Marketing

  • Native apps fetch product URLs via API calls. The REST API returns properly formatted URLs.

  • PWA implementations use product URL endpoints. URL structures support progressive web app requirements.

  • Deep linking requires specific URL formats. Mobile apps maintain consistent URL patterns.

  • App indexing needs formatted product URLs. Search engines index app content through URLs.

5. Analytics and Tracking

  • Google Analytics tracks product URL performance. URL parameters measure product page engagement.

  • Heat mapping tools monitor URL interaction patterns. Product URLs help analyze customer behavior.

  • A/B testing uses product URL variations. Split testing maintains consistent URL structures.

  • Conversion tracking relies on product URLs. URL parameters measure sales funnel effectiveness.

Troubleshooting Common Magento 2 Get Product URL Not Working

Issue Cause Solution & Notes Code Example
Backend URLs in Frontend Wrong URL Interface Use FrontUrlModel. Clear URL rewrites cache after making any changes. php $frontUrlModel->getUrl('catalog/product/view', ['id' => $product->getId()])
Missing Category Path Anchor Categories Refresh URL rewrites. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Catalog > SEO to verify settings. php $product->setStoreId($storeId)->getUrlInStore(['category' => $categoryId])
Clean URLs Not Generated URL Rewrite Issues Reprocess URL rewrites. Check URL rewrite tables in the database for conflicts. php $product->setUrlKey($urlKey)->save()
Store-Specific URLs Fail Incorrect Store Context Set proper store context. Verify store configuration settings in the admin panel. php $url->setData('store_id', $storeId)->getProductUrl()
Reference URLs Showing Wrong Generation Method Use the URL model correctly. Validate product attributes and URL keys before generation. php $product->getUrlModel()->getUrl($product)
Category URLs Missing Invalid Category Setup Update category settings. Reindex catalog after changes. php $category->setUrlKey($urlKey)->save()
Multi-store URL Issues Store View Configuration Set store parameters. Check store-specific URL settings. php $product->setStoreId($storeId)->getUrlInStore()
URL Key Conflicts Duplicate URL Keys Generate unique keys. Monitor URL key uniqueness across store views. php $urlKey = $product->formatUrlKey($product->getName())

Comparing Different Magento 2 Product URL Types

1. Clean URLs vs Query Parameter URLs

Clean URLs Query Parameter URLs
Format: /product-name.html Format: /catalog/product/view/id/123
Better for SEO rankings. Customers remember URLs easily. Search engines prefer clean URLs. Useful for dynamic filtering. Works well with complex parameters. Maintains backward compatibility.
Generated using getUrlKey() method Generated using getUrl() with parameters

2. Category Path URLs vs Direct URLs

Category Path URLs Direct URLs
Format: /category/subcategory/product.html Format: /product.html
Shows the full navigation path. Helps with category-based SEO. Maintains hierarchy. Loads faster. Reduces redirect chains. Creates shorter links.
Uses getCategoryUrl() with product Uses direct getProductUrl() call

3, Multi-Store URLs vs Single-Store URLs

Multi-Store URLs Single Store URLs
Contains store codes in the path. Supports multiple languages. Maintains store-specific URLs. Simple URL structure. Faster page loads. Better for single stores.
Requires store context setting Works with default store view

4. Static URLs vs Dynamic URLs

Static URLs Dynamic URLs
Permanent URL structure. Better for bookmarking. Improved caching. Changes based on filters. Supports advanced navigation. Handles complex parameters.
Uses fixed URL keys Generated dynamically with parameters

5. SEO URLs vs System URLs

SEO URLs System URLs
Contains product name. Uses hyphens as separators. Includes relevant keywords. Uses internal identifiers. Maintains database references. Supports system operations.
Generated through a URL rewrite system Direct database reference URLs

3 Integration Examples of Magento 2 Get Product URL

1. GraphQL Integration

Component Implementation Use Case
Query Structure graphql\nquery {\n products(filter: {sku: {eq: "test-product"}}) {\n items {\n url_key\n url_path\n }\n }\n} Mobile apps and headless frontends
Response Format json\n{\n "data": {\n "products": {\n "items": [{\n "url_key": "test-product",\n "url_path": "category/test-product"\n }]\n }\n }\n} PWA and modern frontend frameworks
Error Handling graphql\nquery {\n products(filter: {sku: {eq: "$sku"}}) {\n errors {\n message\n code\n }\n }\n} API error management

2. REST API Integration

Method Endpoint Response
GET Product URL /V1/products/:sku json\n{"url_key": "product-name", "url_path": "category/product-name"}
Store View URLs /V1/products/:sku/urls json\n{"store_id": "1", "url": ""}
Category URLs /V1/categories/:id/products json\n{"product_urls": {"sku": "url_path"}}

3. Custom Module Integration

Feature Code Example Purpose
Helper Class php\nclass ProductUrl extends AbstractHelper {\n public function getCustomUrl($product) {\n return $product->getProductUrl();\n }\n} URL generation in custom modules
URL Model php\nclass UrlModel implements UrlInterface {\n public function getUrl($product, $params = []) {\n return $this->urlBuilder->getUrl($product);\n }\n} Custom URL formatting
Store Config php\npublic function getStoreUrls($productId) {\n return $this->storeManager->getStores();\n} Multi-store URL handling


1. How do I get a product url in magento 2 using PHP namespace and controller?

Let's use magento\framework\app\helper\abstracthelper and context to add product data. Create a private function in your controller. Echo the full URL after you protect the file. The solution to get URLs needs proper null checks.

2. What's today's latest way to get product URLs in magento 2 programmatically?

The answer you're looking for involves extension development. Use id-based lookups through json responses. Moreover, the application needs to get full product details through the magento forums. It is mandatory for proper URL generation.

3. How can I migrate products in magento 2 while maintaining URL structures?

Learn the programmatic approach through stack guides. The option to develop custom URLs requires proper URL management. Use URL rewrites to maintain links across stores.

4. What's the best answer for handling URLs in magento 2 across stores?

You need to get store-specific configurations first. The answer involves proper store context handling. Use store-specific URL generation methods. Handle URL rewrites for each store view.

5. How do I handle custom product URLs during development?

Add custom URL handlers to your module. Comment your code for clarity. Use proper URL formatting rules. Handle URL generation through the framework's built-in methods.



The purpose of Magento 2 get product URL is to have a direct link to a specific product. It helps with the store’s marketing, user experience, analytics, and process automation. The key highlights of the tutorial are mentioned below:

  1. Clean URLs perform better for SEO and user experience. Use /product-name.html format instead of query parameters for your product URLs.

  2. Store codes matter in multi-language setups. Set proper store context when generating URLs for different store views.

  3. URL rewrites need regular maintenance and monitoring. Clear the URL rewrite cache after making changes to product URLs.

  4. Category paths affect URL structure and navigation. Choose between full category paths or direct URLs based on your store's needs.

  5. API integrations require proper error handling. Test your URL generation with both GraphQL and REST API methods.

  6. URL keys must stay unique across your store views. Check for duplicate URL keys before saving new product URLs.

Consider managed Magento hosting for error-free product URL retrieval.

Sayan Chakraborty
Sayan Chakraborty
Technical Writer

Sayan is a seasoned technical writer with over 4 years of expertise in SDLCs and Magento. His proficiency lies in simplifying complex Magento hosting concepts in clear, concise words.

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